Advantages of TFSAs

Advantages of TFSAs

Many Canadians are better off contributing to a TFSA rather than an RRSP. The amount you can contribute to a TFSA is based on your TFSA contribution room. If the TFSA has not yet been opened, then the individual can contribute up to $46,500 based on the maximum...
Charitable Gifting through Life Insurance

Charitable Gifting through Life Insurance

Are you thinking of donating a lump sum to a charity of your choice at your decease? The most efficient way to do that is through a life insurance policy, providing of course, that you are insurable. There are three methods by which a donor can gift life insurance to...
Probate Fees

Probate Fees

Since June of 1992 when Ontario tripled its probate fees, people have been looking for ways to avoid paying probate. Probate fees in Ontario are $250 for the first $50,000 of the estate and $15 for each additional $1000 WITH NO UPPER LIMIT. Here are some tips to...