Financial Services

Call 613-748-7770 OR book your appointment below!


 Ottawa Asset Management provides financial services to individuals and businesses in Ottawa and the surrounding areas. 

Our focus is primarily on helping retirees or pre-retirees, but we often work with the families of our older clients as well.


Financial Services provided by Ottawa Asset Management

Retirement Income Planning

We specialize in helping our clients to understand their own unique goals for retirement, and after careful analysis of their needs and potential sources of retirement income, we create a plan designed to meet those needs and create peace of mind.


Legacy Protection

We specialize in maximizing estate values and reviewing tax liabilities to your estate. We advise you on how to best protect your legacy.


Best Rates

As a GIC broker, we offer best rates on GICs from banks, trust companies and credit unions across Canada. As an Independent Financial Services broker, we select the best investment and insurance product and company for you.


Business Exit Consultation

We provide a business exit service which reduces the time spent in finding potential buyers, and gives business owners access to a greater pool of buyers. This leads to maximizing your sale price, and simplifying the process.

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Contact Us 

for a free consultation for yourself, or your family, or to book a Financial Literacy Seminar for your business or organization.

401- 200 Catherine St.
Ottawa, ON  K2P 2K9
Fax: 613.902.4813



Ottawa Asset Management, 200 Catherine St. #401